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Rally Obedience


Rally-O (Rally Obedience) is a form of obedience in which dog and handler (team)  perform various maneuvers according to instructions on signs which are placed in an order on a set course.  This builds focus and team mentality for both handler and dog.  Rally Obedience emphasizes a smooth flowing, interesting performance that is FUN for the dog, handler and spectator.  Attitude is more important than precision in Rally.


Rally works well as a building block for agility, obedience, working level and canine freestyle.  The emphasis is on the team's ability to learn mutual focus, which is the foundation of any activity we do with our canine partner. Handlers and dogs with disabilities are welcome to participate. in Rally.

While there are several organizations in Canada that offer the opportunity to compete and earn titles in this sport, Dog'O'Pogo focuses on the training and trials under CARO, the Canadian Association of Rally Obedience.


CARO Working


CARO Working is an independent titling stream within CARO which features a series of exercises derived from a variety of dog sports including obedience, agility, and scent work.


CARO created the working classes in 2012. They allow dogs and handlers to execute exercises from a variety of dog sports, from obedience to scent detection, agility and more, in a fun and unique format. Working class exercises demonstrate the incredible versatility of dogs, relying on a range of natural canine instincts, precise training and partnership between dog and handler.

The sport is intended to foster positive relationships between dogs and owners based on trust and respect. A positive attitude and enjoyment of the handler/dog connection is the priority. The working classes are a great venue for those who desire an activity that is fun and challenging at the same time.


There are currently 10 Working exercises with three skill levels: Rookie, Elite and Expert.  These exercises are judged and passes earned on an individual basis. 


What you need for lessons


  • Classes are indoors at our “Bunker” 8465 Buchanan Rd, Coldstream.

  • Click this link to see the current lesson schedule for dates/times/instructor info.

  • Facility is unheated so warm clothes required for cold weather

  • Dogs should be at least 6 months old, potty trained and able to stay on a leash for a 1 hour class.

  • Beginners are not required to have a crate but higher levels do require one.

  • Plastic bag to pick up for your dog… we have a dog potty area.

  • Lots of yummy treats.

  • Clean indoor shoes  are a must as we have a mat floor

Lesson Progression

Rally Obedience and Rally Working Class are two separate streams of events within the Canadian Association of Rally Obedience.  You can choose to learn one or the other, or both at the same time.  Good general obedience and the ability to focus in class 

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Sundays - March 2 to 16

1:30 to 2:30 pm


Sundays - April 13 to 27

1:30 to 2:30 pm


Fridays - Jan 17 to Feb 21

7:00 to 8:30 pm


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