All breeds (mixed or pure) are welcome to join our group!
Please come dressed for the weather as lessons are held on foam rubber matting in an unheated concrete building. Clean inside shoes are required. No outside shoes are allowed on the matting.
All participants are expected to help set up and put away any equipment.
It is recommended that large breeds be at least 12 months before any serious training. Please consider your dog's breed and size. Large dogs' growth plates take longer to close. At a young age, dogs should not be jumping any higher than their hocks.
Lessons are held at 8465 Buchanan Road, Coldstream ("The Bunker")
The lesson schedule is updated by the Lesson Committee. Click this link to see the current lesson schedule for dates/times/instructor info.

Things you will need
your dog - at least 11 months old
clean indoor running shoes
completed basic obedience and knows basic commands
updated immunizations / titres
regular flat collar - no chokers or pinch collars please
lots of soft, tasty tidbits (such wieners, chicken, Rollover)
a toy with which your dog is motivated (balls, stuffies, tug toys)
plastic bags (you are expected to pick up and take it with you)
for classes other than introduction to agility, you will be required to have an ex pen or crate.
Lesson Progression
Lessons can be taken in any order - EXCEPT that an Introduction to Agility class where students have been introduced to all of the equipment (including jumps, tunnels, dog walk, A-frame and teeter) must be taken before students can attend the facility to practice with the agility equipment

With Lindsay
Tuesdays - Jan 28 to March 4
Level One - 5:45-6:45 pm
Level Two - 6:45-7:45 pm
Dog'O'Pogo offers private lessons!
If you can't find a group class we have several experience instructors who would be happy to help you find the right match for your and your dog. We teach intro to agility, handling at all levels, weave poles and beginning contacts. Private lessons are 30 minutes with your and your pooch in with your instructor. This is a wonderful option for many teams.
Email: lessons@dogopogo.ca for more info and to make arrangements with one of our instructors (Deb, Sherry, Monica, Lindsay or Shelley)